Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What is it about white?

I was just looking over my pinterest boards and paused to look through my decorating one. There are way too many posts on it (over 1200) and I am thinking of creating boards for each area of the house (sort of like I have done for each school subject).

Anywho, what really struck me as I scrolled through my decorating pins is that there is A LOT of white going on.

White walls, white furniture, white linens, white dishes, white, white, white.

When did this love of white start for me? Í don't know but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

I mean, my heart actually stutters and I feel so happy when I see rooms like this...

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or this...

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(although I don't think I would have so many fishy things going on. More birds than fishes for me)

or this...

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(though, I must admit, I have a hard time seeing this staying white given we have a dog - and, now, a cat - sleeping on our bed most of the time!)

I want to sit down to work on my computer at a space like this. Wouldn't you?

And kitchens...geez, don't even let me get started on kitchens. I have one of the last remaining 1980's IKEA kitchens. Picture mud brown counters and ugly cream coloured laminate cupboards. It is terrible. And not something I can just change on a whim as I don't own the space. Oh, but to have a kitchen like this...

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or this...

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or this...

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Oh, what a lovely dream it is to imagine my kitchen all fresh and white like this! Hopefully, our turn for kitchen renewal will come up sooner rather than later at the co-op. Fingers crossed! (And toes, legs, eyes, you get the idea!)

My goal is to slowly work towards having a house that evokes the same feelings in me as these pictures. These spaces always make me smile, they bring a lightness to my heart and spirit. They make me happy. This is how I believe home should feel.

Parts of our space already do this for me. But I want ALL of our space to do this for me. Time and patience plus a lot of elbow grease will get us there. Stay tuned!

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