Sunday, January 1, 2012

One Little Word 2012

Each year Ali Edwards chooses a word - or really  I should say that a word chooses her - to embrace for the year. I tried this last year and, while I chose my word, I didn't do a good job at all in following each month and doing the thinking and growing that the word was intended to create within me. Never one to give up, I am trying again. With a new word. Just one word. What is my word you ask?

Cultivate - to develop land for growing,
to nurture, to take care of 

I don't know how this word will intertwine in my life but it is the word that I want to focus on this year. I want to cultivate my relationships, my home, my job, my life. I want to take care of what is already good and strong and take the time to develop and nurture those areas that need growth.

What is your one little word?


  1. So excited I'm your #1 follower!!Love your word!-I am from Layla's party-Stop by for a visit!

  2. So happy to meet you. My adventures in the decorating side of blogland have only just begun. Can't wait to meet more people!
